User Experience Hong Kong 2011-2019 & 2023
User Experience Hong Kong (UXHongKong) was founded in 2011 and is an annual learning event dedicated to bringing all product and service design disciplines together, from research, marketing, design, technology and the business to name a few, who are interested and passionate about designing great experiences for people and business for a better world for all.
Since 2011 we have covered the following diverse range of topics, themes and best practices of interest in our events:
- A Great UX practitioner in Asia
- Aligning Experience Strategy to your organisational goals
- An Agile UX Playbook
- Become a better UX Designer
- Being a successful user-centred product manager
- Bridging Research Data from the field into Design
- Building Your UX Maturity Roadmap
- Choosing appropriate design activities from a UX toolkit based on time & budget
- Choosing the right UX method
- Closing the brand experience gap
- Creating a culture of UX
- Creativity, imagination and innovation
- Defining Meaningful Requirements
- Designing Business – moving design out of the studio and into the boardroom
- Design Documentaries – Visual Storytelling
- Design foundations for the 21st century
- Design Leadership
- Design Management and continuous design
- Design Studio – using structured creativity for product innovation
- Designing for Mobile Experiences
- Designing regional experiences in Asia
- Designing with science without losing the magic
- Designing happy design teams
- Designing for multi-channel UX ecosystems
- Designing for social impact
- Design Principles: The Philosophy of UX
- Design Research - Thinking through making
- Designing systems for experts
- Designing the Designer
- Designing user interfaces using psychological principles
- Driving Design Thinking In Organizations
- Ethics of Design
- From Customer Insight to Great Product
- Falling in love with the problem, rather than the solution
- Future of work
- Getting stakeholder buy-in for user experience research projects
- Global design team therapy
- Grow your personal leadership by understanding your hybrid traits
- Increasing product team engagement with design decisions
- Information architecture: Just the essentials
- International Design Research – risks & opportunities
- Introduction to Design Research
- Lean UX – building a shared understanding to get out of the deliverables business
- Learning to Embrace Change
- Make with Love
- Make me Think
- Making a user centered product company
- Managing UX
- Mastering Feedback: You, The Team, and The Product
- Measuring emotional engagement
- More than words – how language shapes environments we create
- Moving your UX career to the next level
- Multi-Channel Customer Journeys - connecting the Touch Points
- Purpose Driven Timelines
- Running design sprints
- Service Design – Co-production at the moment of truth
- Site Search Analytics
- Storytelling for UX
- The anatomy of a design argument
- The Myths of Innovation
- Think like a Product Manager
- The value of stand alone Discovery projects
- Uncovering the UX leader in you
- UX Management, Change & Culture
- UX Strategy – redesigning business
- Venture Building to Breakdown Organisational Silos